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Frequently asked questions

How do I buy the required bricks?

On each product page, below the description, there's a collapsible section named "How to buy the bricks". In it you'll find a detailed step-by-step guide that explains exactly how to order the bricks.

Why aren't the bricks included in the purchase?

There are multiple reasons, but the main reason is that the handling and sorting of every order would require a lot more time and effort from me, which would mean less time to design new models.

Furthermore it would result in a higher cost for you, since I would also be sourcing the bricks from BrickLink. Instead, by letting you buy directly from BrickLink, you avoid half the shipping cost plus the cost of handling and sorting required by me.

With the detailed explanation on each product page it's not too hard to learn how to order the pieces yourself, even if it's your first time.

Is there a cheaper way to buy the bricks? is generally the cheapest option for buying official LEGO® bricks, new and used.

However, there is an alternative if you're fine with using replica LEGO® bricks. provides part packs for some of my models (often at a discounted price), meaning that you can get all the required bricks with a single purchase and delivered in one package. The quality of their bricks is quite good and they're a serious company that collaborates with their designers and don't steal the instructions unlike most resellers of MOCs do.

Why are all the models designed at 1:110 scale?

The reason all our models are built at 1:110 scale is because the official LEGO® Saturn V was designed at that scale. That way, you're not only able to display all of our rockets together to showcase their respective sizes, but you can also include your Saturn V set in your collection of brick-built rocket scale models.

Why aren't the designs posted to LEGO® Ideas?

1. In recent reviews, no rocket/space set has been approved. And the lesser known the rocket is, the likelihood that it will be approved is even lower.

2. LEGO® receives all rights to the model for 3 years if I post it there. Meaning that I wouldn't be able to sell the instructions during that period.

With the likely outcome of being rejected, all of you would have to wait for 3+ years before being able to build it. While it isn't as convenient as a LEGO® set, making the instructions available online guarantees that everyone who wants to build the model now, is able to.

And just because Starship and some of my bigger models won't be submitted to LEGO® Ideas, doesn't mean that none of my models ever will...